Author: Amy Gilbert
Published: January 22, 2021
Hi All,
I invite you to complete my 2021 Challenge! It is designed for you to have lots of fun and do a few things you may not have done before. It can be completed individually, at home, or mixed with sessions on zoom with your group. To earn this badge Beavers and Cubs need to complete one challenge from each of the six zones. For older sections you need to complete a total of eight challenges with at least one from each zone. Remember to choose activities that will really challenge you, and if you want to you can get the rest of your family involved in doing them as well. It is important you comply with COVID Government Guidelines whilst you do these and stay safe. Please share with me photos and videos of what you achieve either on social media or via email… I will be giving out some extra special prizes for outstanding effort and achievement on completion of some of these activities, so get stuck in!
County Commissioner
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Lincolnshire County Scout Council
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 522395
Room 14, Greetwell Place Managed Workspace, 2 Lime Kiln Way,
Off Greetwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 4US
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW