International Opportunity Fund

This fund exists to support members of Lincolnshire Scouts in international Scouting and participation in events they would otherwise not have the chance to attend. The following notes should be considered when completing an application form.


Criteria for applications


  1. All applications must be based on need and show clear evidence of multiple other fundraising initiatives having been already undertaken or currently being followed. Therefore, an application would usually be considered towards the end of the payment timetable for the event. This may include (but not be limited to or restricted by)
  2. Scout Group funding                                         
  3. District funding
  4. Personal fundraising                                         
  5. HQ funding
  6. Fundraising events organised by the group or unit
  7. Other fundraising
  8. Any event specifically for 18 to 25 requires the applicant to be a full and active member of Lincolnshire Network or a District Network Unit.
  9. Any event for over 18’s in a leadership role requires the applicant to have a full appointment, have made progress on learning (or completed the wood badge if position held for over 5 years) and have completed DBS checks and regular mandatory training.
  10. If adults are applying as leaders, they must be paying the full fee due for the event, i.e. the fee cannot be already reduced or built into the group or young people’s fees either in part or in full.


Application rules

Applications must:

  • Be on the approved application form available from the county website, county office or county international team
  • Have support from the leader of the event you are applying for or if you are the leader, then support from your Team Leader                   
  • Be received with as much notice as possible but at least two months prior to the funding being required.
  • Lincolnshire Scouts reserves the right to make decisions on grants and also to withdraw this scheme at any time.

Applications can be made by adults and young people equally subject to the criteria above. The international opportunity fund is available to all sections.

Application procedure

Complete the official application form and submit to – along with all supporting evidence. A reply will be sent out by email within 1 month.


Decisions are final and there is no right of appeal. Lincolnshire Scouts reserve the right to decide on how awards are made and to withdraw the scheme at its discretion.

Special situations

If your application cannot meet the timescales, or any of the other criteria due to circumstances outside of your control, please explain these when submitting the application form. These will be considered and if found acceptable your application will still be assessed. 


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