By Digital Team
July 5, 2024
You may already be aware, but over the last 6 months the IT Support Team have been doing a great deal of work in the background. Thank you for your patience and support whilst they have worked to resolve several IT related issues. We know it has not been an easy time and that the changes have caused some frustration and inconvenience. Below is just some of what they have been up to: Migrated approx. 200 users to another Microsoft Tenant and transferred as much data and historic e-mail as possible or given access to the data. We are extremely grateful to the volunteers and external professional support we have received to achieve all of this, with challenging timescales. Without their invaluable support with their time, resources, and knowledge we would have been facing an annual cost more than £25K for the Microsoft licensing alone. Monitored all mail delivery failures to capture any issues caused by the changes as early as possible to reduce the impact. Reviewed all e-mail addresses on the County managed systems to ensure they are up to date and that any inactive users have been archived. Worked to update all County owned Domain Names and cancel any that are not used, or we have been unable to update contact information for. Recovered access information for old district Microsoft Tenants and cancelled any chargeable licenses, removing any liabilities their Trustees were potentially unaware of. Acted against multiple brute force cyber-attacks on Lincolnshire Scouts users. Improved integration with Districts with their own Microsoft tenants to improve collaboration.